25 Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers from the Experts

solo Female traveler
solo Female traveler

With all its positive properties, solo travel also invites challenges and risks for women alone. Having a lot of responsibilities may cause you to feel scared at first, but as you start, a lot of adventures will encourage you to explore the world. Travel can be made safer by applying some safety tips and following instructions from experts. In this article, we will discuss 25 safety tips for solo female travelers from the experts, and these will help you in your journey.  

Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

A solo journey is absolutely love for anyone, especially for women. They can explore the world in their own way and terms, get a chance to come out of their comfort zones, and a chance to meet with people. Female solo travel is also rewarding and empowering, as it gives the opportunity to be self-sufficient. In solo travel, you are just responsible for your own health and safety, enjoyment and have much to do. You can choose your destination according to your interests without considering the wishes of others. It may feel scary for the first time, but you can start with small trips that will encourage you to plan an international tour. Salam Travellers has gathered 25 safety tips for solo female travelers. Read on to make your solo trip a safe and enjoyable experience.

1. Itinerary Share

Share your travel plan with someone trustworthy. Keep that person updated with your schedule and inform him if any change occurs in your plan. Keep someone in your loop plan so he can help you in case of any emergency.

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2. Daytime arrival

Daytime travel by public transport will be safer, so don’t reach the new place at night. This is probably the most important among the safety tips for solo female travelers.If you reach the area in daylight, you will have more chances to meet with the locals who can guide you through the area. Moreover, during the day, you can examine the surrounding environment more efficiently. Avoid walking in the streets at night, and leave all your cash and valuables in your hotel if you are even traveling during the day. Try to arrive in your room after visiting the tourist destination in daylight. 

3. Money hiding

Money hiding
Money hiding

Hide some money in your secret bag pockets or your socks. Pickpockets cannot steal this hidden money, and this hidden money will be your backup plan if any incident of theft occurs. Keep your money and cards in different bags and different pockets because if a thief steals one bag, you have a backup plan for your safe return home. 

4. No intoxication

Avoid the use of drugs and excessive drinking during your solo travel. Due to the use of drugs or wine, you can lose your senses, and it may cause trouble for you. Therefore, avoid reckless behavior for a safe journey. Even if the law of the land permits you to use such substance, still you should avoid it especially in public domain. This is must among the safety tips for solo female travelers.

5. Language learning

Acquire a few simple phrases in the native tongue. As it will be valuable in talking with locals. Knowledge about the local language will also help you reserve the destination, hire transport, and get food at unfamiliar tourist places.

Also Read: What are the risks of travelling alone?

6. Solo discretion

Don’t invade your solo journey for everyone, and try to keep it secret. Discretion of solo travel in front of everyone is not safe for you and can cause any future trouble. Choose a place in which you can travel alone without any danger.   

7. Review reading

Review reading
Review reading

Before booking your reservation in hotels and tour packages, read online reviews. Through the online reading of reviews, you can choose your tour package according to your budget and also book your hotel according to your interests. Search online for information about local cuisines and read reviews to decide on your eating place.

8. Transportation negotiation

Transportation safety tips for solo female travelers include negotiating with local drivers for fares. Because, most of the time, they try to make scams and claim high expenses. Use only reputed taxi services or online taxis like Uber because they’re cheaper than other taxis. Moreover, you can view the information and ratings of the Uber drivers on the app. But don’t be too cheap, and try to book a taxi at a reasonable rate, as the money is not more important than your well-being.

9. Self-awareness


Before booking your reservation in hotels and tour packages, read online reviews. Through the online reading of reviews, you can choose your tour package according to your budget and also book your hotel according to your interests. Search online for information about local cuisines and read reviews to decide on your eating place.

8. Transportation negotiation

Transportation safety tips for solo female travelers include negotiating with local drivers for fares. Because, most of the time, they try to make scams and claim high expenses. Use only reputed taxi services or online taxis like Uber because they’re cheaper than other taxis. Moreover, you can view the information and ratings of the Uber drivers on the app. But don’t be too cheap, and try to book a taxi at a reasonable rate, as the money is not more important than your well-being.

9. Self-awareness

Keep in mind your strengths and weaknesses before traveling. For example, if you are not a good swimmer, then don’t choose a surrounding location, like a beach or lake. Similarly, if you like cool weather and natural beauty, then choose your destination according to it. Travel according to your capacity, and don’t try to go on a trip continuously because your body also needs some rest. With certain breaks, you can enjoy your trip with full courage.  

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10. News reading

Before traveling to your desired destination, read the important regional news about that area on the internet. By reading the news, you can get information about all current affairs. You can also check the latest weather updates, which can help with your luggage packing. Moreover, reading the news will also help you learn about any natural disasters or pandemic conditions in your chosen area.  

11. Insurance and first-aid

Safety tips for solo female travelers include first aid kit for any minor injuries. Before traveling for international tours, get travel insurance for your safety and also pack a first aid kit if you are going on outdoor adventures. It is hard to bear the expenses of insurance with travel expenditures, but it is for your safety. If, unfortunately, any case of robbery happens to you, then the government will pay you for the month according to the value of your things.

Your medical kit should have all the basic medicines, such as painkillers. Ointment for minor scratches and wounds, mosquito repellent, and other basic flu and cough medicines. 

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12. Gut feelings and awareness

You should have the ability to notice all positive and negative things in your surroundings and be aware of suspicious people around you. If you are feeling something wrong, then don’t take any risks and trust your gut. You six sense mostly aware of upcoming alerts. If your friends are telling you all is well, then it is, but if there is a little bit of a chance of something negative happening, then don’t take any risks.

13. Socializing and caution

Talk with local people and other travelers to get information about the area, but don’t trust anyone. Try to join a women’s company because women are mostly helpful. In solo travel, socializing can give you a memorable trip, but keep safety precautions first and don’t share your personal information with anyone.

Try to meet with people, and for this purpose, a walking tour of the area is the best option. By walking a trip, you get to interact with locals and get a chance to learn about the culture and traditions of that area. Locals can give you some better information about what to do and where to go.

14. Cultural sensitivity

Appropriate dressing can save you a lot of trouble. Learn about the traditions and culture of the place where you are going to travel. In hot areas, shorts and sleeveless shirts are good to avoid heat and humidity, but in some cultures, this type of dressing is not acceptable. So, pack your luggage according to the area’s traditions. Because the best way for a thief to notice you in a huge crowd is not your skin, eyes, or anything else. But your dress is enough to describe your area. So, try to dress up according to the cultural dress of a specific area. 

15. Help-seeking

If you feel any danger around you, then don’t be shy about shouting for help and keeping emergency numbers on your speed dials. It is most effective to keep a personal safety alarm in your pocket or handbag. The alarm makes a hell of a sound, and you can seek help in an emergency. Otherwise, you can also call public helpline numbers. Make sure that you have enough information about popular scams and problems in the city or country to which you are traveling. By being aware of all the criminal activity in the area, you can travel more safely. Keep reading for more safety tips for solo female travelers.

16. Confident walking

Confident walking
Confident walking

Walk with full confidence, like a man. Avoid looking at your phone or map while walking because your body language and actions show you are unfamiliar with the place. Due to this, the scammers tried to take advantage of your need for more knowledge about places and routes.

Don’t use headphones while walking alone because it will decrease your ability to be aware of your surroundings, and muggers are also attractive towards you for snatching the smartphone. If you end up walking alone, then try to pretend that you are talking on the phone, and it will help to keep you safe; thieves will not come to you for fear of having a backup.

17. Female companionship

Try to book your accommodation that has only females. Female accommodation will be safest for you, and try to live in women’s company because in their company you will not feel alone. For example, if you need to ask directions or have any questions, then try to ask women. Be polite with other people, but we should keep in mind our likes and dislikes instead of others, and there is hesitation to be rude to people about whom we feel negative vibes. So be aggressive if anyone is disturbing you by keeping courtesy on the side and neglecting people’s thinking. 

18. Hotel booking

Book your hotel for your stay in advance and confirm your booking online. Remember to read the review comments about your accommodation because these will help you learn about the facilities and drawbacks of your location. Never book a hotel that has no reviews, and look for reviews that mention women. Also, keep in mind the nearby accommodation options in case of any problems. If you feel something is off, then it can be, so try to change your hotel because you should prioritize your safety first. 

19. Small trips

If you are new to solo travel, then try small trips first. For example, before going on international tours, first plan your trips in nearby cities and states. These small trips will make you an expert, and you can plan your international trip more effectively. Plan an easy, one-day trip at the start, and then slowly increase your time limit for your trip. Also, try far off travel from your home town.   

20. No cabbie tricks

Choosing your taxi for solo travel means selecting your transport by choosing the right cabbie. Don’t let him be friendly with you, and don’t share your personal information with him. Try to have route details on your phone, and don’t allow your cabbie to change the root at any cost for your safety. Try to hire official taxis and prevent the other fake taxis that can actually be part of human trafficking schemes.

21. Route planning

In solo travel, you should have enough knowledge about routes and roads. You can download offline maps for this purpose. Take your phone with you and also take one portable charger with you so that, in case of any emergency, your phone can remain on.

22. Daytime sightseeing

Try to reach any new location before night and avoid traveling by bus, taxi, or train at night. Try to visit all possible attractions in any area at the time and avoid walking alone at night. Because it is easy to travel in daylight and you can get familiar with your surroundings as well as the people around you during the day, you feel a sense of security.

But if you have to travel at night in any emergency, then keep a flashlight that will help you with your route map, and you can find your way to your location. If you are camping and staying in any rustic accommodation, then a headlamp is also important for your safety.

23. Travel updates

Try to update your family on your travel route and destination. If you don’t have network coverage to keep in touch continuously with friends and family, then try to post on social media about your travel updates, such as on Facebook, Twitter (X), or Instagram. But don’t post your exact location on social media. For example, post a picture of any location when you have left that area. By doing this, your family will be updated and will have peace of mind about your safety, and your privacy will also be maintained. 

24. Self-defense

Self-defense is also a major safety tip in solo travel, and you should know what to do in case of an attack. For this purpose, you can take self-defense classes, or you can carry self-defense gadgets with you, such as pepper spray, rape whistle, defense pen, or bug spray.

But be alert and careful when back fighting. If someone is trying to steal your things with a weapon, give them your accessories because material things are replaceable and not important for your safety.  

25. Light packing

Take your time with heavy packing, and try to leave all valuable things at home. In light packing, you should have all the necessary and needy things. Heavy luggage will make your movement slow, and if there is a need to run, then several bags will create inconvenience. Heavy luggage and valuable things, such as expensive jewelry, will attract thieves, and you can become a prime target for them.

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Final Analysis

These 25 safety tips for solo female travelers from the experts are enough to make your trip memorable and safe. These safety tips will help you remain confident. Don’t be afraid of traveling alone, and encourage yourself by seeing those women who are traveling alone not only on Earth but also in space.

Be brave and explore the world with your guts and abilities. Motivate yourself with small solo trips and have a wonderful time of enjoyment. This solo trip will definitely give you a mental break from your daily hectic routine, and you will enjoy the beauty of the world.

This article will motivate you to plan your future trip alone and remember to share your experience with us. You can also suggest any further safety tips if you have any in mind, and you can also share with us which top safety tips you liked most from the tips mentioned earlier.

Stay tuned for more adventure guides from Salam Travellers.

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