Is it safe to travel to Kashmir in April with a 2-year-old?

Small Kid

Beauty on Earth, Kashmir, offers a vast number of attractions to visitors, including diverse cultures, mountains, hills, lakes, meadows, hospitality,  and snowfall attractions. But is it safe to travel to Kashmir in April with a 2-year-old?

Kashmir is a heaven on earth and a great tourist attraction in India. The state of Kashmir is famous due to its scenic beauty. The snow-capped mountains, lush green meadows,  beautiful streams, and rivers with crystal clear water captivate the attraction of tourists worldwide. Kashmir has unpredictable weather and receives heavy snowfall in winter, from November to the end of February. Summer weather is also pleasant in Kashmir, and April to September are the months of peak tourism, as the weather is quite pleasant with moderate temperatures and nights are chill in summer. Kashmir has a diverse culture that is a blend of Persian, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.

Many tourists think it is safe to travel to Kashmir in April with a 2-year-old. They think so because of its stone pelting and terrorism incidents, but from the last few years, the Kashmir state has been best for family trips, to enjoy with friends, for couples, and even for individuals. You can enjoy much fun with family at this pristine place; even with a 2-year-old, your tour will be memorable. There is no danger for tourists, and in this article, we will guide you about travelling to Kashmir with a 2-year-old baby. We will guide you about safety measures and precautions you must adopt while travelling with your baby. 



Security is a primary concern for those who are planning to make a trip with a baby. Kashmir is entirely safe, and you can travel there without hesitation with your 2-year-old baby. April is especially suitable for kids, but take care of security concerns for your baby. 

Avoid dangerous adventures with your baby, such as avoiding the 2nd phase of the Gondola ride, which is unsuitable for children under 10. Take care of security instructors, avoid visiting conflicted areas because they are unsafe, and stay in tourist areas specified by the Government. 

Take all your identity documents with you, and before travelling to Kashmir, it is safe to search about all consequences of security issues. As Kashmir is a highly militarized state vis, visitors can see military vans roaming on the roads of Srinagar. 

In any emergency, you should have the local security numbers, and it is safe to stay in your hotel with your kid in case of any conflict. Sonmarg, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, and Betaab Valley are Kashmir’s most visited and safest valleys. You can roam on roads and visit any offbeat or popular place without distractions.


The weather in Kashmir in April is pleasant, with moderate temperatures from 14°C to 30°C. April is also a peak month for tourists and is quite suitable for 2 old babies. As extreme cold weather in January and February can cause sickness in babies, April is therefore safe. 

But warm clothes in this weather are still required for babies and elders. Babies must wear fleece jackets to prevent coldness, especially at night. Parents must keep extra shoes and socks for their 2-year-old baby.

April to June are the peak months of tourism in India, and you have to face crowds for every activity, which can make a trip inconvenient with a baby. To avoid such a situation, you should book all your reservations online to avoid waiting in long queues. In these months, due to having a rushed situation, you need extra care, have to be careful of local scams, and shouldn’t go to restricted areas. 

Due to being over-situated at a high altitude, some people can face altitude sickness, but keep essential medication with you and also pack appropriate clothes in your luggage.


Travel in public transport with 2-year-old baby can be difficult for parents, so it is pretty straightforward and enjoyable to travel in a personal vehicle. You can also hire a cab or taxi for transportation purposes in Kashmir. In some areas, you cannot reach by taxi and have to cover the walking distance. 

But with your two-year-old baby, you can face trouble walking. It is good to avoid visiting places that have a tricky and steep route. A little kid can be injured in case of carelessness.

Sometimes private transport can be risky and expensive, especially in tourist months. Drivers demand extra charges, and you have to wait for an alternative, so it’s best to hire your cab for all trip duration or not pay drivers without bargaining, as it can be a money saver, and you will not have to face the risk of being scammed.

Health precautions 

Kids often have to face travel fatigue during long trips, and the changing weather can also affect the health of 2-year-old babies. Therefore, it’s more suitable for parents to have all the essential medicines for a kid, such as flu, cough, fever, and colic drops, in your bag to prevent any hassle on your trip. Avoid trying new food for your kid, and use mineral water to make a feeder for such a small kid.

It’s better to make local contacts in Kashmir, as during your trip, they can help you find new and good eating places or even offer you pure homemade food. But take care of yourself while eating and remember your allergy issues from any food ingredients to avoid those to stay healthy and safe during your trip.

Financial troubles

Kashmir is the safest place for tourists, but it depends on preference, where you go, and what you do. Many smugglers and deceivers in this valley try to scam tourists by telling them extra high prices for accommodation or food. Bargaining in every shopping and reservation can save you from financial troubles during your trip. 

Don’t pay extra and save your money in various pockets of your bag or clothes. In case of any pickpocketing incident or money stolen, you should have a backup for your survival in this new region. Keep safe local emergency numbers to report any crime or to seek help in an emergency.

Culture differences 

Kashmiri culture is vibrant and colourful, and the people of Kashmir are warmly welcome. Getting familiar with local culture and with local people can save you from many troubles. 

However, Kashmiris are very sentimental about their traditions and customs. Dress appropriately, especially when visiting any religious place, and respect their traditions; cultural differences will not bother you during your trip.


Photography in the beautiful surroundings of Kashmir is a thrilling and enjoyable activity during the whole trip. It becomes a fantastic experience when travelling with your 2-year-old baby as the pics will save your memories with your baby. It will be a great asset of happiness for your child. 

But sometimes, it can be a type of risk. As the military highly secures Kashmir and faces many disputes and stone-pelting clashes., clicking pictures of any restricted area or any military area can make you suspicious. 

Ask permission before clicking the picture of any local Kashmiri. It’s pretty safe to take pictures in tourist areas, and you don’t need any permission, but before taking pictures in any military area, it is advisable to ask for permission. You should have all your identity details and documents in case of any suspect.

Lost or stolen documents

When travelling with a 2-year-old baby, you need to be more careful. 

Lost or stolen identity documents can be a high risk for you during the Kashmir trip, as you have to provide these documents while booking a room in a hotel or booking a ticket for travel. Moreover, there are various security checkpoints in Kashmir, and they check the identity documents of tourists. 

Missing these documents will lead you to a heavy penalty, or you will have to face security issues. So, having more than one copy of all documents is safe. If you lose one during your trip, the backup plan will help you survive.


The Kashmir trip is enjoyable and full of unique activities, but it’s enough to have 4 to 5 days or a maximum of one week. A long duration will lead you toward Homesickness, especially with a 2-year-old baby. He will get uncomfortable with new environments and people, and a long trip will lead to boredom. 

As the state has a different culture, a language barrier, a rush of unknown people, and an unfamiliar environment, it will be an adventure within a few days’ stay. Still, an extended stay leads to Homesickness, as many travellers feel homesick on long trips. Although you can overcome it by reminding yourself of your home and talking to a relative or a close friend, you ultimately need to return home.


Can we take 1-year-old baby to Kashmir? 

Kashmir has a vast number of attractions and unique beauty. It’s pleasant visiting Kashmir for everyone. Even the cool weather of Kashmir also has a positive impact on the health of the child. So, taking your 1-year-old baby while you visit Kashmir is advisable as it will make memories by keeping snaps with your kid. But before visiting, check the latest updates about the civil and political peace situations. 

Can I travel to Kashmir with 2 year 2-year-old in October? 

October in Kashmir is a pleasant season. Temperature decreases in October, and different types of flowers are grown, which makes Kashmir a colourful landscape. Multiple adventurous activities you can enjoy with your child. Some of these activities are shikara rides and fantastic sightseeing. You can also enjoy fruit picking from natural gardens. But as the weather will change towards winter, you need to pack some warm dresses for you and your child. 

Is it safe to visit Kashmir in April? 

In April, you will see a full bloom of beautiful flowers in Kashmir. The weather is also relatively pleasant, so it is not too hot or cold. In April, multiple festivals, such as the tulip festival, are held in Kashmir. You can join such festivals and enjoy yourself. 

How safe is Kashmir for tourism in 2023? 

In 2023, the Government removed the ban on travelling for tourists. The Government, tourism department, local people, and official staff cooperate with an influx of tourists. So, it is safe to travel to Kashmir now. 

What is the crime rate against tourists in Kashmir? 

It is shallow. From 2016 to 2020, no crime case of violence, sexual assault, theft, etc, has been reported against the tourists, said NCRB. Kashmir is famous for its hospitality, and tourists admire it. But if you are travelling to Kashmir, you should still be careful about your security and items as goddess and badness is everywhere. 

Which month is the off-season in Kashmir? 

August to November is off-season in Kashmir. Some people do not prefer to visit Kashmir in these months because of frequent rainfall and landslips, but others prefer this season because they have to pay less. In these months, the tourist inflow could be higher, so if you are visiting in the off-season, you will not have to face too many crowds and will find peace there. 

Final Analysis

Hopefully, this discussion has answered your question, “Is it safe to travel to Kashmir in April with a 2-year-old?” in detail. Kashmir is a Switzerland of India due to the high mountains and snow over these mountains, which resemble Switzerland. For the last 2 to 3 years, the Government has been trying to enhance tourism in Kashmir, and security arrangements have been made more secure and strict. Therefore, Kashmir is the safest place to make a family trip throughout the year. April to June is a peak season for tourists. The crime rate is impressively low in Kashmir, and any case of harassment or robbery hasn’t been reported yet from tourists. You can safely travel with your 2-year-old baby, so you don’t need to be concerned about safety. Pack your luggage and get ready to explore the beauty of heaven on earth.

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